Removal Efforts Planned for Sunken House Boat

March 14th, 2024


Eric lays out the plan for removing a sunken houseboat on Horseshoe Pond at Presque Isle State Park (video by Erie News Now).

Last night, a houseboat sank at Horseshoe Pond in Presque Isle, and our team at Lakeshore Towing is on the case! As Eric Guerrein, our president and co-owner, outlined, our first step is to conduct a comprehensive underwater inspection. This involves measuring dimensions, calculating weights, and identifying attachment points. We need to determine what it will take to seal the boat so we can lift it and pump out the water. Eric, who is also a houseboat owner, noted that the process of removing the boat from the pond will take some time. We plan to start the initial preparations next week, and the following week, we'll choose a day with favorable weather and available equipment to lift the boat out of the water.

The owners of the boat, who are based in Pittsburgh, have been informed, and fortunately, no one was aboard when it sank. It's possible that this year's mild winter contributed to the incident. Typically, everything freezes and stays in place, but with recent winter storms and no ice, the boats are more susceptible to movement. They are usually anchored with chains, and the resulting waves can cause significant damage. This operation is expected to be quite costly, but our team is committed to raising and removing the houseboat from the pond in the coming weeks.

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